
Plastic Recycling

Plastic Recycling

Monday, June 3, 2013


This type of material contains, as an average composition:
paper and support cardboard, PP(Polypropylene) cassette, PS(Polystyrene)with or without paper label, sometime with a “blister” which is  a transparent cover, certainly dictated by marketing, that is film in PP or other materials.
Bales of material arriving from the storage place, will be positioned in the area in front of the first loading conveyor belt.

The material is lifted to the most convenient height by the first conveyor belt and transported to a second conveyor belt, perpendicularly positioned versus the previous one, where some people will remove any material which clearly is not one of those mentioned above. These materials are deposited on two conveyor belts and conveyed to a container for “waste”.
The selected material which we consider is delivered into a Grinder and than conveyed   into an  air counter current separator which removes the light materials, dropping the heaviest ones in the lowest part, where the plastic material is collected.
A further separation in a fluidized bed separator, will make sure that the residue of unwanted materials is a minimum possible percentage. From there the mixed plastics will be delivered  into an accumulation and dosing tank.
The material is than conveyed  by an auger into a first floatation tank to separate the sinking plastic material from the floating one.
The tank has two extraction systems respectively for the floating and sinking materials.
The floating ones, are conveyed to a centrifuge for drying, while the sinking ones continue their path in the separation line.
The centrifuge and the subsequent ones, unload the material from the collecting cyclone to a pneumatic system that convey it to a silo waiting for the final packaging.
In the following tank, density of water is increased  to make the PS floating leaving the PC on the bottom.
The second floatation tank is equipped like the first one, therefore the extraction system of the floating material will handle the floating PS convoying it to a drying centrifuge and to the subsequent packaging.
PC  continue its path till a special washing machine which extract the surface “contaminant”, the thin Aluminum powder layer, applied with special lacquer.
This machine allows the complete removal of these surface materials and give back a transparent ground PC ready to be used after drying  in its specific centrifuge.
The system is fully automated and all steps of the process, the control of the density of water, the amount of energy(friction) to give to the washing machine, the safety devices,
are managed by a PLC.

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