Yeni oto flitre (oto filtre çalışması) sistemi, yoğun kirli malzemeleri işleme koyarken bile kesintisiz ekstrüzyon mümkün kılar. Kapsamlı ve sabit operatör dikkatini gerektiren geleneksel flitre değiştiricilerin aksine, oto filtre işlemi otomatik olarak çalışabilir. Ekstrüde edilmiş malzeme üniteye girerken, mikro delinmiş ve sertleşmiş olan paslanmaz çelik bir elek plakasından geçer, kirletici maddeler elek plakası yüzeyine yakalanır. Atık oluşturur ve geri basınç bir mevcut seviyeye ulaşır, dönen bir bıçak ekranı temizler ve kontaminasyonu bir boşaltma portundan çıkarır. PE, PP, PS, PC ve ABS dahil olmak üzere geniş bir malzeme yelpazesini ele alır ve 315 ° C'ye kadar olan sıcaklıklarda çalışabilir ve 240 bar'a kadar basınç. Filtre % 10'a kadar kağıt ve diğer yabancı cisimlerin çapı 18 mm'ye kadar kaldırabilir. Metal, ahşap, kağıt, tekstil elyafları, zeki plastik granüller ve düşük yüzde alüminyum, kurşun, bakır, kayalar ve diğer plastik olmayan gibi kirletici maddeler, kolayca tolere edilir. En sık uygulama: ekstruder oto filtre. Eriyik filtre çalışması nasıl çalışır? Erimiş malzeme, delikli bir arka plakaya desteklendiği gibi, filtreleme eleğinden kalıcı olarak geçer. Döner bir palet, eleği bıçaklarla kazıyarak hareket ettirebilir. Filtrelenecek malzemeye göre düzenlenen kazıyıcı rotasyonu. 'Sabit Modu' veya 'oto Mod' üzerinde çalışabilir. Eriyik basınç sensörleri ve zaman, kazıyıcıyı hareket ettirmeye başlamaya öncelik olarak kullanılmaktadır. Kirlenme elekten geçemez, sıyırıcı tarafından iç temizleme vanamıza (ekranın ortasına) toplanan budur. Temizleme vanasının açılması (pnömatik aktüatör), işlem dışındaki kirlenmeyi boşaltır. Çalışma modu / sıcaklık setleri / basınçları setleri / temizleme süresi / kazıma hızı, Siemens PLC sistemimiz tarafından otomatik olarak yönetilir. Tüm parametreler ayarlanabilir ve işlem. Özellikleri. CFO Ana Özellikleri: • kendi kendine yeten ve mobil • Dokunmatik ekranlı PLC kontrolü • Sürekli veya ara silindir • Temizleme işlemini etkinleştiren basınç kontrol sistemi • 250 mikronda tipik filtrasyonlu 180 mikron kadar düşük olan safsızlıkları filtreleyin • PP, PE, PS, ABS (polimer filtresi) ve erimiş sentetik reçineler gibi malzemeleri geri alacak şekilde kanıtlanmış proses • Farklı malzemelerde ve delik çaplarında filtrelemeyi optimize etmek için mevcut olan mikro plaka filtreleri ile donatılmıştır. Mikro plaka 70 HRC'ye tedavi edildi • 1.500 ila 3.000 mendil ekran ömrü. Tipik yaşam 1 haftalık kullanımdır. • Ekstra ağır hizmet tipi sürücü sistemi (büyük boy) • Komple cıvata seti - başkaları gibi boşluk yok. Yani kaçak yok. • Filtre ekranlarının ve kazıyıcı bıçakların basit bir değişikliği için tasarlanmıştır •% 10'a kadar atıktan çıkarma yeteneğine sahip
how you can recycling plastic
Friday, July 9, 2021
Continous Filter Operation
The new CFO (Continous Filter Operation) system makes possible uninterrupted extrusion, even when processing highly contaminated materials. Unlike conventional screen changers, which require extensive and constant operator attention, the CFO – which stands for Continuous Filter Operation – can operate automatically. As extruded material enters the unit, it passes through a stainless-steel screen plate that is micro drilled and hard faced, while contaminants are caught on the screen-plate surface. When waste builds up and back pressure reaches a present level, a rotating blade sweeps the screen and removes the contamination through a discharge port. The CFO handles a broad range of materials including PE, PP, PS, PC, and ABS, and can operate at temperatures up to 315 °C and pressures up to 240 bar. The filter can handle up to 10% paper and other foreign objects up to 18 mm in diameter. Contaminants such as metal, wood, paper, textile fibres, unmelted plastic granules, and low percentages of aluminium, lead, copper, rocks and other impurities readily tolerated.
Most frequent application: extruder continous filter.
The melted material crosses permanently the filtering screens, as they are supported on a perforated back-plate.
A rotating scraper can move brushing the screen with blades. The scraper rotation of regulated according to the material to be filtered. It can work on ‘pulse mode’ or ‘continuous mode’. Melt pressure sensors and time are use in priority to start moving the scraper.
The contamination can not pass through the screen, it is therefor collected by the scraper to our inside purging valve (centre of the screen). The opening of purging valve (pneumatic actuator) discharges the contamination outside the process.
Operating mode / temperature sets / pressures sets / purging time / scraping speed are automatically managed by our Siemens PLC system. All parameters are adjustable, and they are optimized on the process.
CFO main characteristics:
- Self-contained and mobile
- PLC control with touch screen
- Continuous or intermediate wiping
- Pressure control system that activates cleaning action
- Filter impurities down to as low as 180 microns with typical filtration at 250 microns
- Process proven to reclaim such materials as PP, PE, PS, ABS (polymer filter) and molten synthetic resins
- Equipped with Micro-plate filters that are available in different materials and hole diameters to optimize filtration. Micro-plate treated to 70 HRC
- Screen life of 1,500 to 3,000 wipes. Typical life is 1 week of use.
- Extra heavy-duty drive system (oversized)
- Complete set of over bolts – no gaps like others. So no leakage.
- Designed for a simple change of filters screens and scraper blades
- Capable of removing up to 10% waste
Monday, February 5, 2018
PET bottles recycling system for Food applications
Friday, April 4, 2014
Custom made machines for scraps recycling
Friday, January 17, 2014
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Custom made machines for scraps recycling
- After you got the best line available on the market, you customer ask you for some strange things you never heard before; and because he's a big one, you would like to deliver him the product the way he has been asking for.
- After you lost some time looking around and couldn't find anything, give us a buzz and we'll see if it possible to come up with something custom made device for you to get the quality, the shape, the whatever it is your customer is trying to get from you.
- Sometimes your well performing line has a little problem and you don't know who to ask to ?
- If we don't know yet about your specific problem, we'll tell you if we can do something, or not and, if it is possible, we'll manufacture the device for you, run all trials and tests and fit it into your system.
- Sometimes a small thing can improve the performance of the line quite a bit and you can capitalize the cost of it in no time.
- Before doing that, of course, check out if some machine is already existing and, if not, give us a call and we'll see what we can do for you.
- Before asking for something special go first to:
- Machinery for Plastic Recycling or
- Complete Systems
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Post-industrial plastic scraps
- Everybody knows how to recycle post-industrial scraps.
- Normally, it is free from contaminations because it has a value and everybody takes a lot of care about it.
- Sometimes it has a certain contamination (like multi layer materials of finished products with different plastics all together) but normally it is not difficult to handle because, at least, you know what's inside and you can set up your equipment accordingly.
- Again, because it is an easy matter, not a lot can be said about this kind of plastic recycling.
- For any industrial scraps recycling, please go to our machinery section.
- And if you found something difficult please let us know.
- We do like challenges.